Alpine 1 is a fine track, I was happy to see it on the race list of the
TORCS championships. It has 3 quite different sections and so this is what makes it hard to setup a robot perfectly for this track. One must decide if he prefers the twisty uphill section, the curvy but fast downhill midsection or the last, sweeping, fast downhill one. The hairpins uphill provide some ground for overtaking while it is much harder to do in the downhill parts as speed difference is usually not big enough.
I wanted my robots to do the uphill section perfect and get rid of their sliding technique in the turns, so I've chosen big-degree spoilers and accepted the slower top speed on the downhill section. This proved quite OK as they were not overtaken any time in action, they always managed to make up some advantage uphill that opponents could not gain back downhill. The only time they lost position was when refuelling so the opponent behind could do a faster lap and gain 1 second before his own refuel. Just like in real-world racing, wow :)
The race itself started fine, but one of the Wolverines got lost in the last hairpin in the first lap, and while it did not cause big conflicts on that lap, the next lap saw real destruction derby - Wolverine 1 has wandered backwards(!) to the previous hairpin and met the field there.

So after 79 laps (more than 2 1/2 hours) Dummies claimed the victory and both Team Alba and Team Dots had the best result so far during the season, finishing at position 6, 8, 9 and 10. I know the initial crash must have been a reason for this result but I am still very happy :) Oh yes, and I did not forget to send the results this time...

PS: Must tell that EJs act very nice letting overlapping cars get by, while I couldn't see that gallantry from many drivers...
PS2: Sadly enough only Daniel's race results seem to match my own, it seems other players had quite different a race then we two. So the sum-up of the results sent can be found